A toxic work environment and a toxic relationship share several similarities, as both can have detrimental effects on a personās…
Setting boundaries and establishing expectations are essential components of maintaining a healthy and balanced life. Both practices contribute significantly to…
When you love someone unconditionally, it’s going to hurt -and it’s going to hurt bad. When someone that you love…
If you build your castle out of sand, it will get knocked down.
God judges, but through Christ we are set free. He took our punishment on the cross -not only for ourselves,…
“And I shall hear, though soft you tread above me, And all my grave will warmer, sweeter be, For you…
In my mind, the idea of cherishing someone and having confidence in someone go hand-in-hand. To truly love someone, one…
Dream Killerzz are peopleĀ who never did anything with their life but believe they have the authority to tell you why…
This is written to husband’s, but changing a few word around can apply to wives as well. This article is…
I hope everyone has a great Christmas day! I won’t write more today, just enjoy these scripture readings: “And suddenly…